ESI认为保护和改善环境的积极方法可造福我们每一个人,同时认为事故是可以避免的。 我们致力于为所有员工提供教育和机会,让他们参与到我们的环境、健康和安全(EHS)管理体系的持续改进中来。
RoHS(有害物质禁用指令) WEEE(报废电子电气设备指令)
虽然ESI的大部分产品现在都享受了大型固定工业设备的豁免,但我们预计,随着时间的推移,环境法规和限制的态势必将覆盖我们服务所在市场的产品。 因此,新产品的设计需要符合RoHS要求,除非被广泛接受,否则不存在可行的技术替代方案,同时我们还要参与随时适用的WEEE计划。 通过投资“产品生命周期管理”工具,我们不断提高分析和报告能力。
ESI认为保护和改善环境的积极方法可造福我们每一个人,同时认为事故是可以避免的。 我们致力于为员工提供教育和机会,让他们参与到我们的环境、健康和安全(EHS)管理体系的持续改进中来。
- 积极保护所有员工和客户的健康和安全,以及我们经营所在的环境。
- 积极推广健康和安全的工作环境。
- 接受并持续改进预防、消除和减少环境危害和浪费的方法。
- 符合或超过所有适用的EHS和产品安全规则和法规。
- 把产品安全融入到我们的产品设计和履行过程。
- 在没有客户或市场特定要求的情况下,采用最广泛接受的标准作为ESI最低产品合规标准。
- 向雇员、客户及供应商传达我们的环境和安全要求及实践,以促进投入和参与。
ESI致力于遵守针对全球环境管理的所有适用监管和市场准入要求。 ESI企业质量职能部门负责监督合规问题。 我们持续评估服务所在市场的快速发展需求,并修改我们的物质数据和可追溯性管理系统,确保我们有能力满足分析、尽职调查和报告要求。
虽然“大型固定工业工具”分类为我们的大多数产品免除了欧盟RoHS和WEEE要求,但ESI仍在继续设计合规产品,并尽可能在原有产品上替换符合RoHS标准的零部件。 这种方法可使我们证明,在采用RoHS、WEEE及其他要求的全球市场上,我们都是合规的。
符合WEEE指令的产品使用带轮垃圾桶的徽标加以标识。 为帮助管理成员国的各种指令实施计划,ESI成为了回收和处置EARN(欧洲先进回收网络)的成员。 ESI在英国的欧洲销售办事处已经在“北方合规”WEEE生产商循规计划(PCS)中注册,该计划提供报告和管理服务。
Collection and Recycling Arrangements in the United Kingdom
Under the UK Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations, for old equipment that you have bought before August 2005 which is being replaced on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis by the purchase of new New Wave Research equipment, New Wave Research is required to provide arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of the old equipment. The old equipment that your new purchase from New Wave Research replaces is referred to as Historic WEEE.
Under the UK WEEE Regulations, New Wave Research is also required to provide arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of any new electrical and electronic equipment that you buy from New Wave Research after August 2005, when that new equipment eventually becomes waste. This is referred to as New WEEE.
New Wave Research is required to provide these arrangements starting from 1 July 2007.
New Wave Research products are very competitively priced. Any new increase in operating costs for manufacturers such as New Wave Research is normally reflected in a price increase in the product. However, instead of increasing the prices of our products, New Wave Research has decided to share these new environmental costs directly with our customers. We believe in being transparent with you on any new environmental costs that our products need to address.
Our approach to sharing these new environmental costs is:
- New Wave Research pays for the costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of the WEEE to meet the targets set by the WEEE Regulations;
- New Wave Research pays for the costs of data management and reporting to the Environment Agency to demonstrate compliance with all administrative requirements of the WEEE Regulations;
- You pay for transportation of your WEEE to New Wave Research's appointed recycler in the UK.
New Wave Research has established a recycling contract with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN) and will cover any costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of the equipment on arrival at the EARN facility in the UK. All New WEEE that arises from the purchase of New Wave Research products is classed as non-hazardous waste.
WEEE Reporting Recycling Data for New Wave Research Equipment in the United Kingdom
Under Section 27 of the WEEE Regulations, information on the quantities and categories of New Wave electrical and electronic equipment put on the market, reused, recycled and recovered within the UK must be reported at the end of each compliance period.
The first WEEE recycling report will cover the period July 2007 to December 2007. EARN will prepare the recycling data report for New Wave Research. Information in the EARN recycling data report will be summarised on the New Wave Research website when it becomes available.
Collection and Recycling Arrangements for European Countries
ESI New Wave Research products are sold in Europe by dealers and distributors. The dealers and distributors act as the importer of the equipment into Europe. Thus the dealers and distributors have the legal responsibility to:
- Register as the WEEE producer in Europe.
- Finance arrangements for collection and recycling of WEEE arising from ESI New Wave Research products that dealers and distributors sell in Europe.
- Contact ESI European Sales Office to identify dealers and distributors in Europe.